Chhota-Shalghar is a village of Debidwar Upazila, Comilla District in the Division of Chittagong, Bangladesh, located along the Chittagong-Shylet Highway.

The village Choto-Shalghar is bounded by Boro-Shalghar on the north, Yusufpur on the south, Anantapur and Vabanipur on the east, Moheshpur on the west.

Its area is 2.05 sq km. The village has a population of 5700 approximately; male 47.32% and female 52.68%; population density per sq km 2400 approximately.

Educational institutions: madrasa 01, government primary school 01, non-government primary school 01, low cost school and satellite school 04.

Total number of hats and bazars are 02, noted of which are Syedpur puran bazaar & Syedpur notun bazaar.

NGO activities Operationally important NGOs are brac, asa, grameen bank, Pages.